How To Prepare For A Happy New Year

- My Favorite New Year Planning Framework -

Preparing for another year is imperative for an entrepreneur. And in order to do that. I’ve found it necessary to do two things: 1) Reflect on the past year, and 2) Plan for the next year. The cool thing about this, is that you can do this in July, and it still works!

Let me show you the exact process I use to reflect on the past year, and plan for the year to come.

How To Prepare For A Happy New Year

- My Favorite New Year Planning Framework -

Preparing for another year is imperative for an entrepreneur. And in order to do that. I’ve found it necessary to do two things: 1) Reflect on the past year, and 2) Plan for the next year. The cool thing about this, is that you can do this in July, and it still works!

Let me show you the exact process I use to reflect on the past year, and plan for the year to come.