Today’s featured guest is Derek Nichelson from @redeemedconstruction ... Derek is a boutique home builder in Florida. He had kind of a rough time period in his life, and hence the name Redeemed Construction. He goes on to tell some of the insights he’s learned through the years. HIs is a very inspiring story. I know you’re going to have at least one takeaway from it today.  So, listen all the way to the end. And be inspired!


First of all, We had a great response to the Protractor Website Spring Promotion, and all 10 spots are now full. If you would like to get in on that the next time we launch, then go ahead and join the waiting list at … it’s free to join, and we’ll give you a special offer before we launch publicly. Again, you can get signed up at

Secondly, we have a new article on our blog by Jonathan Walters called “Fail Forward.” This is a very important concept for all business people, but especially applies to contractors. If you find yourself paralyzed by fear of failure, then you should take 5 minutes out of your day and read this article. It could totally change your perspective, and thus your life. Check it out in the articles section at

The Protractor Tip by Brad Leavitt @aft_construction is all about showing love to your designers and architects. A very important tip!

Also mentioned in today's show is Morgan Molitor @construction2style and some tips she gave about social media marketing. 

There is so much packed in today's show. You're going to be INSPIRED!

#Protractors - Making A Difference!