First, an update on the Google ad-tracking change. Then Ben Pimentel joins the show to discuss Square buying Tidal, and what it means for the fintech and music worlds. Later, Emily Birnbaum explains the bill moving through the Arizona legislature that has Google and Apple worried about the future of app stores. And finally, Janko Roettgers discusses Microsoft Mesh, the state of AR and VR headsets, and when we’re all going to be doing meetings as holograms.

For more on the topics in this episode:

Ben Pimentel on TwitterJack Dorsey is so money: What Tidal and banking do for SquareEmily Birnbaum on TwitterApple and Google lobbyists are swarming Arizona over a bill that would reform the app storeVirginia becomes second state with comprehensive privacy lawJanko Roettgers on TwitterMicrosoft’s master plan for consumer AR: Start with the plumbingHow Microsoft Could Beat Facebook In AR

For all the links and stories, head to Source Code’s homepage.

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