This week, Tylor, Jordan, and Emma dive deep into the Hogwarts houses, and how the values attributed to each house correspond to its members’ approach to animal rights.


In this episode:


How Hufflepuff’s patience, justness, loyalty, constancy, and work ethic contribute to their work as activists. Newt Scamander and Cedric Diggory as examples of Hufflepuffs. Gryffindor recklessness and outspokenness, and how daring, nerve, chivalry and bravery help them command respect and use this to fight for the rights of others. Tylor shares the reasons he’s proud to represent Slytherin House, and why he thinks Slytherins and Ravenclaws are very similar in their approach to activism. The group discuss examples of good Slytherins, (because the series doesn’t give us enough to look up to!) Jordan and Emma discuss learning, communicating, individuality, and being a vegan Ravenclaw.


Does your Hogwarts house reflect or inform your approach to animal rights? Which characters do you see as the best example of their house? Are the Hogwarts Houses values-based? Let us know your thoughts by writing to us! How have you used your own Hogwarts house-based gifts to contribute to the animal rights movement?


We’ll return soon for another episode exploring animal rights in the Wizarding World, but in the meantime, be sure to send us your thoughts via email, leave a review, join our Patreon, and - on behalf of all magical creatures - Protego Maxima!

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Jordan Page: 

Facebook: @PagingAdventure  Instagram: @JordanSheaPage

Emma Pocock:

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