In this week’s episode, Jordan, Tylor and Emma unpack the harmful impacts of the Statute of Secrecy on magical creatures and beings, and how this relates to veiled animal abuses in the muggle world.


 Also in this episode: 


Examples of magical creatures having less rights due to the Statute of Secrecy  Centaur populations and the limits of the Forbidden Forest - how far would the Ministry of Magic go to uphold the Statute of Secrecy? How secrecy allows animal abuse to be more pervasive in the muggle world, and what has helped make a change to this and unveil animal abuses over the years within the animal rights movement.  Would muggles actually believe the news if magical people came out of hiding and revealed themselves to the muggle world? (A tangent on aliens, magic, and dragons) How the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures keeps magical creatures hidden, and which techniques are most helpful and harmful


What are your thoughts on the Statute of Secrecy? Do you think it should be abolished? How else does secrecy and policy harm animal rights in the muggle world? 


We’ll return soon for another episode exploring animal rights in the Wizarding World, but in the meantime, be sure to send us your thoughts via email, leave a review, join our Patreon, and, on behalf of all magical creatures, Protego Maxima!

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Veganuary Resources: 

Follow the Protego Foundation: 

Twitter: @ProtegoFDN Instagram: @protegofoundation Facebook: @TheProtegoFoundation

Tylor Starr: 

Twitter: @tylorstarr Instagram: @tylorstarr The Chickpeeps

Jordan Page: 

Facebook: @PagingAdventure  Instagram: @JordanSheaPage

Emma Pocock:

Twitter: @emmapocock96 Instagram: @emma.pocock  Web: The Leaky Cauldron / Forbes

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