Welcome to Protecting Your Nest with Dr. Tony Hampton. Prof. Tim Noakes was introduced to the Low Carb/High Fat in 2010. Two years later, as a result of his public support for this dietary approach, he was the subject of a misconduct inquiry by the Health Professions Council of South Africa. The subsequent hearing ultimately culminated in a ‘not guilty’ verdict for Dr. Noakes in 2017. Today, he is considered one of the top five most influential scientists in the world. He is an author, scientist, and has had a massive impact on the global medical community.

In their discussion, Drs. Tony and Tim discuss the history of the nutritional deterioration of the modern diet, the historical and evolutionary role/place of meat and vegetables in the human diet, how the average person living today can best assess the value of a given dietary approach for their personal health, the differences in gorilla, chimpanzee, and human digestion as well as diet, the dramatic rise of carbohydrates in the human diet in recent times (especially since 1977), and how added sugar and high-fructose corn syrup came to be so prominent in the modern diet.

Additionally, Prof. Noakes discusses his own personal dietary journey from childhood to the present, how to successfully transition from the standard modern diet to a low carb diet as a diabetic, the evolutionary perspective on why polyunsaturated fats are so harmful to human health, several studies showing the superiority of dietary saturated fat, the idea of eating a ‘balanced diet,’ how familial and cultural cooking traditions are important for human health, and gaining muscle mass on a Low Carb diet.

Thank you for listening to Protecting Your Nest. For additional resources and information, please see the links below. 




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