This episode is about the un-mined gold in your coaching business. Find the Show Notes at

Because I’ve studied the strategic art of niching and coaching niches for so long I’ve noticed something that no one is talking about. 

There are niches within your niche that will serve you better than staying broader. There are layers. The surface is not the most exciting or lucrative layer. In fact, it’s many layers deeper.

The Layers of Your Coaching Niche

When I work with my VIP clients we discover a niche ideal for them that’s a few layers down to something more strategic than where they started. Let me give you an example.

·      Layer 1 of course is coaching. Coaching itself is a kind of niche.

·      Another layer in might be relationship coaching

·      Another layer beneath that is to pick a particular type of relationship, let’s say marriage.

·      Then you can niche deeper than that to put some context about the specific PROBLEM you help the married individuals solve.

Now, keep this in mind as I share one of my VIP client’s niches …

Deanna Bryant, whose brand is Revive Your Midlife Marriage helps married WOMEN cultivate meaning and intimacy with their husbands after the kids are grown.

By the way, Deanna has an insightful podcast called Revive Your Midlife Marriage. If you’re a woman in midlife with grown children and your marriage is feeling a bit flat and empty, her show and services are for you!

So let’s break this niche down into components:

·      Deanna serves women. (Choosing a gender can help you narrow your niche but alone it’s not enough.)

·      These are women in midlife – a tough time of life with specific challenges. (It’s smart to pick a time of life sometimes for a specific audience.)

·      In addition these women have husbands. (Not all women have husbands and only some are still with a husband in midlife.)

·      AND they want meaning and intimacy with those husbands again. (We know this because Deanna did market research for her audience.)

·      She also adds after the kids are grown because that empty nest time is a crossroads in a marriage. (Sometimes the kids are the glue holding the marriage together.)

Do you see how SPECIFIC Deanna’s niche is and can you imagine why that’s an advantage to attracting clients?

Doesn’t Niching Narrowly Mean You’ll Lost Opportunities?

Look, lots of people don’t understand the value of niching. If you niche narrowly your friends and family might question your wisdom because they don’t get it. But their advice to broaden won’t help you.

You might be thinking … “But by narrowing in all those ways Deanna is missing so many opportunities! She’s missing the chance to work with men, to work with unmarried women, to work with women who don’t have grown kids.”

The reality is this … in this world we live in we must compete for attention as a service business. Even if you don’t think of it as competition, it’s there.

Broad Coaching Niches Means Slow Business Growth

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