This episode connects the dots between your website, coaching packages and pricing as a reason you might not be earning as well as you’d like.

Find the show notes at I’ll be providing links to episodes that go into more detail on each of those topics so you can make clear, strategic shifts.

I didn’t start my business knowing how to be successful at coaching. Everything I’ve learned has come from studying my own many mistakes as well as what works and why.

Let’s start with websites because this is the biggest and most expensive bungle most coaches make.

Did You Just Slap Up a Coaching Website?

When you completed coach training, did you rush to put up a website? You might have thought, as I did, that:

·      A website is the first step to getting clients. It’s not.

·      A website will make you legitimate. Other thresholds come first.

·      Your website should be about you and coaching. Not true.

After redoing my website 4 times now my site is like a spring river flowing ideal clients to me who are ready to enroll and invest. I’m grateful for the flow!

I want you to have that flow!

My website is not the prettiest or trendiest website. Those things can actually be distracting to buyers. Coaches like my website because they feel at home there. They feel that I’m talking specifically to them. And that’s the secret.

Is it obvious on your website WHO you serve? Are you speaking directly to your audience in words they’ll understand? If so, you’re way ahead of the game and you’ve been strategic.

The 3 big mistakes I see on coach’s websites are:

·      It’s not clear, in seconds, who the coach’s target audience is

·      The site is selling coaching as a solution

·      Multiple coaching packages and prices are offered 

Let’s take these one at a time. 

Why Make Your Coaching Website a Home for Your Audience?

Relevance. Have you ever gone to a website and bounced off quickly? Chances are, you didn’t find what you wanted there.

Your website must grab attention and strike a resonant chord with your audience in mere seconds or they are out of there fast! That’s called a bounce. For more about this listen at

So make sure that the short pithy copy on each webpage is highly contextualized to your audience using keywords they’ll recognize and about their top problems and ultimate goals. Be connective not salesly.

Don’t Sell Coaching On Your Website

What? You’re thinking “I’m a coach, Rhonda, what else would I sell?”

I’m serious. Do not have a page or copy about the wonders of coaching on your website. 

There are inherent challenges to selling coaching that you don’t want to hassle with.

·      People rarely wake up knowing they want coaching.

·      Many people have a negative opinion of coaching.

·      Coaching is a skillset not an outcome.

For more about this critical concept, listen to Why Coaching is a Hard Sell at

To read more Show Notes and learn why you should NOT Offer Multiple Coaching Packages click here.