Click for the full episode transcript and more resources, especially for new coaches and also get the free Coaching Business Checkup download.

Other episodes mentioned in this episode:

#1 Target a Viable Audience (Episode 266). You know I talk about this a lot. It’s so critical and so many people step over it or just don’t do it quite thoroughly enough.

#2 Discover Their BIG Acute Problem And Top Goal (Episode 65). So many coaches choose a general or chronic problem for their niche

#3 Develop a Signature System To Reach Their Top Goal (Episode 66). Again, I don’t really believe in just doing so many sessions per month. I believe in developing a program, a structure so that your clients know you know what you’re doing and feel excited about investing more with you.

#4 Design A Simple Business Model (Episode 5). You wouldn’t believe how many coaches step over having a set business model. They don’t really know what it is, and I certainly didn’t when I started.

#5 Create a Positive Customer Journey with Strong Conversion Processes (Episode 236). This involves your website and so much more. You need to be able to think like your future clients

#6 Set Up Enrollment Opportunities and Learn How to Enroll (Episode 52)

#7 Build Trust with a Visibility Strategy (Episode 146) This is the way you’re going to market — the way you’re going to stay in front of your target audience and let them know what you have for them. But, not in a salesy way, instead in a generosity marketing kind of way.

#8 Create a Valuable Customer Experience and Collect Social Proof (Episode 271). This is after they enroll with you. You must be sure that what you are doing feels good to them so you can collect valuable testimonials about what it was like to work with you.

#9 Set Up Internal Systems To Save Time (Episode 34). This is something I didn’t do for a long time and now I’m a systems maven!

#10 Develop High Payoff Action Habits (Episode 223)

Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.