If you incrementally charge higher fees you’ll become more confident and also become a much better coach. It worked for me and I’ve seen it work for my clients as well. 

Setting fees that pay you well is one of the 3 big thresholds that holds coaches back. And it’s always about limiting beliefs.

This episode is part of the Money Mastery series and it’s a Listener’s Choice episode, which means a lot of other coaches have already listened to this and found value in it. Find the full transcript for this episode at prosperouscoach.com/207.

Rhonda Hess helps new coaches leverage their zone of genius into a profitable coaching niche and launch with confidence. For VIP step-by-step support apply for Rhonda's VIP Coaching Business Breakthrough Program here and she'll be in touch to invite you a discovery call. Or if you're stuck on your coaching niche, grab a Nail Your Niche Strategy Session with Rhonda here.