Previous Episode: The Cell Cycle

In this episode, we delve into classic psychology experiments –relevant to the Psych/Soc section of the MCAT. We cover a range of significant studies, including Pavlov’s Dog, Harlow’s Monkey Study, Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment, the Skinner Box Experiment, Asch’s Conformity (Line) Experiment, the Milgram Experiment, Watson’s Little Albert Experiment, Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study, and Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study. Additionally, we touch on rapid-fire cases like Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment, the Kitty Genovese case, and Phineas Gage’s story. 

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:37] Pavlov’s Dog Experiment

[07:40] Harlow’s Monkey Study

[12:05] Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment

[15:41] The Skinner Box Experiment [24:12] Asch Conformity (Line) Experiment [28:16] The Milgram Experiment [36:01] Watson’s Little Albert Experiment [39:10] Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study [43:17] Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study [46:14]  Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment [48:39]  The Kitty Genovese case [49:47]  Phineas Gage’s story