Arno Burger, CFP® started his practice as a young, 25-year old in a flatlet at the back of his house in 1992.  His clear vision and strong work-ethic quickly got him to move to bigger offices.

In 1994 he started charging fees, and although it was by no means perfect, he pioneered the business model in South Africa in his own unique way.

We discuss what led him to make the change and the journey and learnings over the years and we get into detail about his model.  We discuss setting prices, something that is a challenge for most financial planners.

Arno discusses the structure of the business, FIDIUS, and their intentional approach to ensure clients do business with FIDIUS and not the individuals in the business.  We talk about the FIDIUS client experience, all the technology they employ and we get to know Arno a little better and find out how he gets away from the business when not working.