Many are considering to start their own FSP, brokerage or practice in 2019.  Of those, several want to build a bigger business employing a team of financial advisers.  Many are afraid to take the plunge in 2019 because of the uncertain times we are living in today.

In this episode we talk to Lizette Gerber CFP®, MBA, Head of Operations at Financial Solutions for Professionals, FS4P for short, a new independent financial services provider she is helping to build.  

She discusses their challenges, value proposition, unique remuneration structures, their unorthodox approach to targets (or are they targets?) and the approach they followed to ensure speed to market.

We also discuss their approach to recruitment and how they try to ensure they appoint only the right people for their business.

At the end, Lizette reveals some crazy facts about herself that left us in awe!