Get ready for a revealing and honest conversation about the darker side of the real estate industry. In this episode, we pull back the curtain on some agents' unethical behaviors such as falsely claiming credit for others' sales. We discuss a recent incident where an agent crossed this line and share similar experiences from our own careers. But it's not all doom and gloom - we also acknowledge the dedication and ethical conduct of countless agents. We urge our fellow professionals to focus on their own accomplishments and not be tempted to steal credit from others.

Strap in as we continue to expose shocking tactics used by some agents. We delve into practices such as artificially inflating prices to attract buyers, misrepresenting properties with misleading images, and exploiting the fear of missing out to manipulate potential clients. And just when you think we've covered everything, we hint at a part three of this discussion. Stay with us as we bring more examples of unethical behavior to light, with potential guest appearances lined up to offer diverse perspectives.