Are you playing tug-of-war with your current real estate agent? Are you considering switching but worried about the cost and the process? Fear not! In this episode, we turn the intimidating task of switching real estate agents into a walk in the park. We reveal the secret to selecting the right agent, break down the costs involved, and guide you through the exclusive period. But, before you pull the plug, we stress the importance of trying to mend the relationship with your agent. With our extensive experience as Northern Beaches real estate agents, we offer invaluable insights into why and when making a switch can be beneficial.

Juggling property management on your own can feel like spinning too many plates at once, and one slip can lead to a disaster. To help you avoid this, we shed light on the advantages of professional property management. We expose the truth about how trading a management fee for peace of mind can be a wise investment. Switching from self-management to a professional property manager need not be daunting. We take you by the hand through the process, outlining all the steps you need to take, and factors you need to consider. This episode is a treasure trove of information you don't want to miss out on!