Welcome back to Episode #88. This Interactive Interview Series brings you a truly inspiring guest: Lou Mongello. If you have ever had a childhood love, obsession, desire, that you fantasize about doing for a living, this story is for you. Lou Mongello is one of the most amazing people I met at NMX in Jan. […]

Welcome back to Episode #88. This Interactive Interview Series brings you a truly inspiring guest: Lou Mongello. If you have ever had a childhood love, obsession, desire, that you fantasize about doing for a living, this story is for you. Lou Mongello is one of the most amazing people I met at NMX in Jan. 2013 and his story is going to inspire you to make even the most drastic turns in your career and your life.

Lou Mongello used to be a successful lawyer. Today, though, he is a widely recognized Walt Disney World author, expert, host, speaker and historian. He is the host and producer of the WDW Radio show, which has been named Best Travel Podcast for 7 years in a row. WDW Radio offers audio podcasts, live video broadcasts, plus an active blog, newsletter, discussion forums, and live events.

Lou is author of the Walt Disney World Trivia Books, and author and narrator of The Audio Tours of Walt Disney World. He is also the Founder of the Dream Team Project, which has raised more than $250,000 to send children with life-threatening illnesses to Walt Disney World.

So why did Lou go from being a successful lawyer and owner of his own IT consulting company to the Disney business? Simple (although far from easy): To pursue his passion and share it with others and that’s what we explore together in this interview because if you are waiting to start your dream, or afraid that it won’t work, or any other dozen obstacles in between, Lou is going to put all those excuses to rest so you GET STARTED already, darling! Take a listen!

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Interview Questions: Lessons from an Ex-Lawyer Disney Power Host

1. I am sure you have noticed that Disney has made its way into all cultures. I was at a high-level business meeting in Tokyo once and the lady running the round-table introduction asked everyone to say their name, role in the project AND (I kid you not) their favorite Disney character.

My question for you: What would you say it is about the Disney brand that is so universal? Can Disney teach us anything about interacting with people?

2. Podcasting is a huge part of your life today and has enabled you to spread your message far and wide. How did the idea of a Disney podcast come about? What were your thoughts (and fears) and goals with creating a show around Disney?

3. As an ex lawyer and IT consultant, being a phenomenal radio show host is so far from the realm of that work but how did you make the career transition? How did you communicate your message in such a way that others relate to it so well?

4. You are on audio and on video and on social media & blogs AND in person. So you are using ALL forms of communication to interact with your fans and followers. What would you say is a common theme to your effective and compelling communication?

5. Our final question – which is the same question I ask all my interviewees: I want to leave our listeners with actionable steps in their own lives. What are one (or two) things that the listeners can do RIGHT AWAY after this show to infuse better communication, better messaging and maybe even a booming business around their dreams?

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