Welcome to Episode #87 of The Daily Interaction Show where we learn how to create an information diet that inspires action. Think about it. The information that you consume, in passive or active ways, is more powerful than you realize. It influences your thoughts, decisions and actions. So take a proactive approach and create an […]

Welcome to Episode #87 of The Daily Interaction Show where we learn how to create an information diet that inspires action.

Think about it. The information that you consume, in passive or active ways, is more powerful than you realize. It influences your thoughts, decisions and actions. So take a proactive approach and create an information diet that inspires action.

I LOVE living in this incredible digital age.

When I try to imagine the way the world would be without it all, I just remind myself that I have LIVED in the age where we did not have any digital information! I have seen this phenomena emerge and have participated in its growth from the very start, and perhaps that is why I love it all the more. Between living in an information age and living in the old world, I choose this one time and time again. What about you?

In this show, I talk about how you can observe and decide what to do about the massive information shoved in your face all day and night long. Then we explore ways to consciously choose whether you want to consume that information, and finally we tap into how you can create a system and a deliberate way of seeking the information that actually interests and inspires you. Are you ready?

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Show Notes for How to Create an Information Diet that Inspires Action

1. Observing all the channels of information that you consume with – or sometimes, without! – your knowledge by becoming acutely aware of everything that comes to you.

2. Remembering that you have a choice and making a conscious decision on what you want to consume and what you need to discard.

3. Understanding the correct source of the information, is it yourself enabling it or someone else?

4. Putting the right filters and elimination process in place after you have observed all the channels of information.

5. Learning how to break the bad habit of automatically consuming whatever comes your way and becoming aware of the process of changing habits.

6. As a result of all this, freeing up the time you thought you never had!!!

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This podcast is part of Prolific Living Media and it is produced weekly and released every Friday. For questions and comments, please email the podcast: [email protected].

Use Your Inner Powers

Bonus: 21-Step Confidence Building Series