Over the last decade, governments across the globe have launched digital transformation projects, from digitizing services to revamping their online presence for better citizen engagement. We discuss this with: 

 Katrine Maria Krzeminski, program manager, Agency for Digital Government, Copenhagen: Krzeminski discusses her project to create personal pages for each citizen on the country’s public sector portal, how her team builds support from and collaborates with multiple government agencies on the multi-year effort, and how it’s empowering citizens with data and increasing government transparency.

 Yolanda Martínez, global project lead for the GovStack initiative, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva: Martínez discusses how e-government services are changing how citizens interact with their governments, the challenges governments face when digitizing services as well as how the GovStack initiative is helping countries worldwide accelerate their digital transformation efforts, thanks, in part to an open-source platform.


Key themes

[01:58] Empowering Denmark’s citizens with data 

[04:26] Collaborating with and building buy-in from government agencies 

[06:33] Tackling resourcing challenges, legacy systems when digitizing

[11:05] How partners, potential users impact project decisions

[14:18] Changing citizens’ experience through e-government services

[16:49] Breaking down silos and creating replicable assets to accelerate digitization

[19:31] How GovStack aids countries in developing digital government services

[23:52] Advice to project leaders: Co-design a vision with partners and set clear priorities