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Project 938 Small Groups Guide Sermon Based

When Love Comes to Town: October 21, 2018

1. What stood out in the Bible about this week’s sermon?

2. What stood out to you most about the sermon as a whole?

3. What was the application of this week’s sermon for our church?

4. What was the application of this week’s sermon for your personally?

Community Question: What is it that you really want? What would people say about you (are you good, bad, nice)?

Read Ephesians 3:14-21 as a group and write down what you observe about the passage. Talk about initial observations/questions of the passage as a group and then transition into these questions.

In his prayer, Paul prays that “Christ may dwell in your hearts.” Experiencing love is an experience of closeness, because love is local.

Who are you closest to? What is your proximity to Christ?

Have you prayed that God’s love would enter your heart?

Paul prays that “he may grant you to be strengthened with power through
his Spirit in your inner being.”

If you pray for additional strength, how could that bring you closer to
God’s love?

Where do you need strength in your life?

When do you feel the fullness of God’s love the most?

How might you be able to limit your consumption of the “fillers” in
your life (TV, social media, ambition, etc.) to experience his fullness

We tend to overestimate what we can do in a week and underestimate what
God can do in a year. Paul says that God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

What does that statement mean to you?

How does the word “immeasurable” add weight to this prayer?

How has God done more in your life than you could have imagined or

We pray for love because THAT is what we really want. For whom can you
pray this prayer over the next week?