The suffering church demonstrates God's wisdom to the Spiritual authorities in the heavenly places.

Project 938 Small Groups Guide Sermon Based

When Love Comes to Town: October 14, 2018

1. What stood out in the Bible about this week’s sermon?

2. What stood out to you most about the sermon as a whole?

3. What was the application of this week’s sermon for our church?

4. What was the application of this week’s sermon for your personally?

Community Question: What does freedom mean to you? How do you experience freedom?

Read Ephesians 3:1-13 as a group and write down what you observe about the passage. Talk about initial observations/questions of the passage as a group and then transition into these questions.

Paul speaks of grace two times in this passage. How has grace has been extended to you?

What is the difference between grace and religion? What is the difference between “do” and “done”?

How has God’s grace met you where you are/were?

We all have experienced varied challenges and situations. How can
you extend grace to others based on your experiences?

Paul says that he’s a prisoner of Christ Jesus. How does Paul view his identity?

How do you identify yourself?

From where do you draw your identity?

Does grace play a role in your identity?

Paul says we should approach God with freedom and confidence and not be discouraged by suffering..

What has your suffering revealed to you?

How can you remain confident despite the circumstances?

Paul’s bottom line in this passage is that we should not be discouraged. How can you be encouraged and not discouraged?