Intro topic: Revisiting the power of Spreadsheets


LK-99 Isn’t a Superconductor Flows is llama.cpp possible? with open source large language models

Book of the Show

Patrick: Math with Bad Drawings by Ben Orlin Overboard! Nhl=en_US&gl=US 

Patreon Plug

Tool of the Show

Patrick: ffmprovisr read_ods() read_excel()

Topic: Differential Equations

Why should programmers learn about DiffEqLaw of Large NumbersWhat are differential equations?When you know the rate of changeEigenVectors & EigenValuesWhat is Jacobian What is Jacobian? | The right way of thinking derivatives and integrals

Special casesPartial Differential EquationsOrdinary Differential EquationsWhy solvers are importantNumerical Stability at larger step sizesExample: Fun ExamplesPredator-Prey relationships in scipy Physics Engines for games PageRank 

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