109: Updating Your Digital Strategy for Interior Designers WITH BRANDI BERNOSKIE

With me, today on the podcast is Brandi Bernoskie of Alchemy and Aim. Brandi is a digital strategist, web developer, and tech expert. Our conversation is focused on updating your digital strategy. Many of us have a plan to show up online, but how often do we refine it, and what prompts us to do so? These are the questions we will be digging into. 

Topics Mentioned:

Relationship to money

Digital experience

Business evolution

Sunday Reflection

Key Thoughts:

We are living in such an online world now, we really have to think about the consistency of the whole experience we created digitally. Brandie Bernoskie (11:23)

You can revisit [your brand] because you and your business are evolving. Brandie Bernoskie (18:09)

Keep a note of where something may have felt off, or something that didn't work. Brandie Bernoskie (28:16)

Number one is learning to recognize when your business starts to get out of alignment. Michele (39:23)

As a business coach, I won’t be on the front cover of an Interior Design magazine. My job is to help my clients get that position, not for me to take that position. Michele (49:08)

Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Contact Brandi:

Website: alchemyandaim.com

Instagram: @alchemyandaim

Instagram: @brandibernoskie

References and Resources:

The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today

Profit First and Fix This Next by Mike Michalowicz

Storybrand by Donald Miller

How to Rethink Your Business for Maximum Success, Episode 090 with Michele Williams