132: The Top Skill Set That Can Explode Your Interior Design Firm with Rose Zefferino

Rose Zefferino is the owner of Z Domus Designs, a builder’s interior design firm, located in Pennsylvania. Rose began her career in homebuilding as a project manager right out of college then moved over the years into more of a design position focusing on selections and assisting other builders in creating a smooth-running process. This process serves both the clients buying and building the home as well as the builders responsible for the construction.  

In this episode, Rose shares with us how her design and selection management process has been honed based on her beginning in construction. We discuss the differences in custom builds and community management, as well as hiring for these different but similar support positions.  

This episode also helps continue the conversation that there are many facets to design and finding your area of expertise and doubling down on that can be profitable.

Topics Mentioned:

Construction Management

Selection Management

Systems and Processes

Key Thoughts:

I managed the building process from foundation through the windows being cleaned. It was everything in between. While I wasn't actually swinging a hammer, I managed all of the phases that were involved in building the house. Rose (03:22)

I think that is the one of the bigger pieces. Understanding the timing of building projects from construction all the way through design. Michele (18:48) 

I want to create the Z Domus process, so that it is consistent across the board. While the products are different, and the offerings are different, the process is the same so that my designers are not having to reinvent themselves with every new builder that we have. Rose (32:21)

I want to talk about the differences between the designers that work on specialty builds because there is a difference. The way that we would approach trying to get 50 houses done in a timeframe versus three houses done in the same timeframe. Michele (46:04)

Whereas in the community side, many of the design decisions have already been made, there may be tweaks, but it's quicker, faster, you know, and more limited. Michele (55:18)

Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Contact Rose:

Website: zdomusdesigns.com

Facebook: Z Domus Designs

Instagram: @zdomus

Email: [email protected]

References and Resources:

The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today

Hiring Exceptional People - Episode 50 with Eileen Hahn