128: How to Grow Your Interior Design Business via Collaborations with Lori May

Lori May of Lori May Interiors is with me today on the podcast. Lori started her business by blogging which led to rapid growth, an opportunity to be on HGTV, and now running a full-service design business with a team. Lori’s passion to make the ordinary – extraordinary comes through in our conversation. She focuses on building trust with her clients and vendors and enjoys the collaboration aspect of design the most. Listen in as she shares her story. 

Topics Mentioned:





Key Thoughts:

I do remember you being very clear on having that clear separation of, this is my family and my family is private. Michele (09:44)

How do you separate so that the client’s work does not encroach on your girls and what they need? Michele (25:05)

We have a handful of builders who we work with repetitively because they subscribe to the same sort of ideals and working environment that we do. Lori (38:51) 

Growth doesn't have to mean more dollars, more clients. Lori May (53:20) 

Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Contact Lori:

Website: lorimayinteriors.com

Facebook: Lori May Interiors

Instagram: @lorimayinteriors

Email: [email protected]

References and Resources:

The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today

Who's in Your Room: The Secret to Creating Your Best Life by Ivan Misner, Ph.D., Stewart Emery L.H.D., Rick Sapio

Pricing without Emotion®

Understanding Your Financials™

Master Your Profit® Course