151: How to Conduct a Midyear Employee Check Up for Your Design Team with Michele Williams

Years ago, employee reviews were done yearly, and they were so very formal that most people entered with some form of fear. Even those who were high performers. Why? Because you never knew how they were going to go – and the sentiment was that the reviews were always done in favor of the company. 

Listen in as I break down how to do a mid-year review with each of your team members, why this is important, and how to balance the scales between what the company needs and what the employee needs. 

Topics Mentioned: 


Ask questions 

Actively listen 

Close feedback loop  

Key Thoughts:

As we dive into doing reviews of any type, whether mid-year or end of year, let’s do it with the focus of coaching, leading and educating our employees so that they grow and thrive which ultimately benefits our clients. This focus will create great advantage for the company as a whole. Michele (0:50) 


Be clear with yourself and your team on the importance and role of the mid-year review. Michele (1:58) 


Create questions to gather the information you need and send to the employee in advance so that they can give it their time and attention. Michele (3:15) 


Actively listen. I know that each of us form opinions of people and processes and situations. We are made to do that. But when you come into these meetings, try to put yourself in the shoes of your employee and see things from their position. Michele (5:28) 


Create an action plan from the meeting. If goals need to be reset, reset them. If processes are broken, create a timeline and an action item to dissect the problem and correct it. Michele (7:26) 


Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com

LinkedIn: Michele Williams


References and Resources:

AIM Masterclass - Watch now

7 Figure Case Study - Download here

4 Year-End Steps to Prepare Your Interior Design Business - EP 118 with Michele Williams