116: 6 Pre-Planning Tips for Your New Design Year  WITH MICHELE WILLIAMS

Each year around this time, November, I begin the planning process for my business the next year. In the next few solo podcasts, I am going to share with you the steps I use to make sure that on January 1, I can move forward with confidence. Enjoy the podcast.

Topics Mentioned: 





Key Thoughts:

Begin with a big chunk of time and do a deep dive. Michele (01:13) 

Create space to really review the past year. Michele (04:37)   

The more you try to please everybody you please nobody. Michele (14:10) 

Identify what will create a balanced life. Michele (17:55) 


Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL


References and Resources:

The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today

Setting Goals that Matter - Episode 20 with Jennifer Dawn

Committed to the Pursuit - Episode 72 with Ceil DiGuglielmo

How to Stop Worrying About Your Interior Design Business - Episode 98 with Katie Baldwin