155: 3 Ways to Protect Your CEO Position in Your Design Firm

Each firm needs a CEO. A Chief Executive Officer. Perhaps, the position does not use that label – but the work of the CEO is still needed. On the podcast today we are going to look at the role of the CEO, why it is needed, and how to protect it no matter the size of your firm.

Topics Mentioned: 


Job responsibilities


Key Thoughts:

We need to recognize that the role and the position of CEO in your company exists. Michele (4:53) 


You need to set aside time to consider the future, work on guiding your firm and your team and building up your leadership skill set. Most of this work starts with how you think and the mindset you have towards leadership. Michele (5:18) 


We want to identify the responsibilities of CEO in your firm, we may not all do it the same. Michele (6:05) 


It takes more than doing the work of the day to day to be successful. It takes oversight, management, planning and making a path forward for everyone. Michele (7:44) 


Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com

LinkedIn: Michele Williams


References and Resources:

AIM Masterclass - Watch now

7 Figure Case Study - Download here

The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

Traction by Gino Wickman

Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz

The Great Game of Business by Jack Stack

3 Reasons to Take Your Business on Vacation - EP 142 with Michele Williams