153: 3 Reasons to Set New Goals For Your Design Business Every July

Here we are, midway through the year. And the question becomes, are you on track to meet your goals? I believe that July is a great time to renew your energy and also to renew your goals with a goal setting session. Listen in as we chat about the 3 reasons to set new goals in July.

Topics Mentioned: 

New information 


Energize your team 

Goal setting   

Key Thoughts:

When we are creating strategic plans and doing our best to manage to them over time, what we really uncover is that the closer we get to the end point we are measuring to – the more we know. Michele (1:38) 


Review the prior goal setting exercise you did. Regardless of whether you did it in November of the past year or January or March of this year. Pull it out and look at it. Michele (2:35) 


New information brings new decisions. Hopefully if you have been monitoring to the goals you set before, you can see the changes that are now coming about with intentionality. Michele (4:29) 


When we set goals at the beginning of the year, and then never look at them until December they can almost become meaningless to the team. By doing quarterly check-ins and opening up our goal setting in July for any necessary revisions, we are indicating to our team that we are serious about creating a roadmap for our success. Michele (7:56)  


Contact Michele:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting

Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL

Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com

LinkedIn: Michele Williams


References and Resources:

AIM Masterclass - Watch now

7 Figure Case Study - Download here

5 Reasons Successful Interior Designers Use a Strategic Plan - EP 129 with Michele Williams

How to Easily Create a Strategic Plan for Your Design Firm - EP 131 with Michele Williams

Reasons to Take Your Design Business on Vacation - EP 142 with Michele Williams

Ways to Make Your Interior Design Business More Fun- EP 149 with Michele Williams