Ep 189 Boost Profits Through Smart Marketing Tactics with Joshua Ramsey

Joshua Ramsey, CEO of Strategic Point Marketing, has developed principles and strategies for businesses since 2001. During this time, Joshua has successfully created and executed more than 80,000 successful campaigns across the US.

Joshua is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer, author, and highly regarded speaker. As someone with experience in speaking since 2005, Joshua teaches executives and business owners exactly how to cut costs and improve their current business so they can continue to grow. As a true Fractional Chief Marketing Officer, Joshua gives business owners unique executive experience, along with a fresh perspective, without having to pay the high salary of a full-time employee. He helps them to develop new strategies for growing their brand, increasing customer acquisition, and generating new sales.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

Identifying the cost per lead and the cost per sale by lead source is crucial in marketing strategy.

Modified messaging is necessary for various advertising channels in order to effectively reach and convert target audiences.

The significance of precision in marketing tactics and the requirement to customize communication for particular product or service classifications.

Maximizing the strategic message and modifying the message to correspond with the tactical placement for the best possible marketing campaign outcomes.

The development of successful marketing strategies requires teamwork and open communication between the CEO, CMO, and executive staff.






Hi, I'm the Profit Answer Man Rocky Lalvani!

I help small business owners simplify their financial reports to make more informed business decisions with fewer hassles. We utilize the Profit First system created by Mike Michalowicz

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Music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast

Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.
