In this Covingridge Adventuring Party, the party (Minus Tom again.) get their shit together, head back to town and tell the town they've dealt with a bear and saved a Druid.

We also derp about for like, 15 minutes at the beginning of the session, and when Jimbles was re-listening to the ep he laughed for the entire time like a dork.

In a political, social session, dive in to learn some more mysteries about our heroic characters... And perhaps, a most incredible insight into the eldest twin.

Professor Jimbles' Dice Bag is a hobbyist podcast - We create episodes for fun! Please rate and subscribe on iTunes in your favourite app, and tweet your favourite parts to @ProfJimbles on Twitter. If you think anyone would enjoy listening to us, send them a link! If you think we're idiots, tell us so with a 5-star review in iTunes, I promise I'll read them and be sad. Finally, you can always contact Jimbles and the crew on the facebook page: or at [email protected]