April Fool's Joke - Jimbles reads "The Longest Joke On The Internet": This was an April Fool's joke for April 2018, the full text can be found here: http://natethesnake.com

IN THIS EPISODE! You have Professor Jimbles and some fabulous guests go through how to effectively use humour and surprise in your Tabletop RPGs - What makes a funny game? What do you need to consider when running this type of game? And is breaking the fourth wall really that good? This, and more - here!

Jimbles has been invited to play in a LIVE STREAMED GAME by Ash McCallan (Her sweet RPG works can be found here: https://machinespirit.itch.io/) on her Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/acegiak at roughly 13:00, April 2nd 2018. (Canberra time. See twitter for more details on exactly when we're up and running) Tune in to see my ridiculous face react to what is likely to be some fantastic gaming.

Professor Jimbles' Dice Bag is a hobbyist podcast - We create episodes for fun! Please rate and subscribe on iTunes in your favourite app, and tweet your favourite parts to @Prof_Jimbles on Twitter. If you think anyone would enjoy listening to us, send them a link! If you think we're idiots, tell us so with a 5-star review in iTunes, I promise I'll read them and be sad. Finally, you can always contact Jimbles and the crew on the facebook page: www.facebook.com/ProfessorJimblesDiceBag/ or at [email protected]