What do the corporate world and sports have in common? What corporate executives could learn from elite athletes? Similar to sports, the one quality that is expected of executives and their employees is the sustenance of high performance in the face of ever-increasing pressure and rapid change. To thrive in chaos, both executives and elite athletes require rigorous training in developing mental toughness. Tapping into the right training in the same level of playing field, elite athletes can teach us a great deal about how to be better business leaders.Inspired by a research published in the Harvard Business Review on ‘Corporate Athletes’ from Jim Loehr and Tony Schwarz, this session takes us through how elite athletes leverage science to improve and sustain their performance. In managing the various stakeholders under enormous pressure to perform consistently, building endurance in the face of adversity is a powerful cognitive capacity to avoid burnout. This session is the making of a corporate athlete, tapping into the key elements used by elite athletes to train us on how we can incorporate the core techniques into corporate roles and personal lives. Together, we can learn to perform like ‘Corporate Athletes’.
About Ezio Mormile:Ezio Mormile holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) from Charles Sturt University, a Certificate of Psychology for high-performance Sport from Barcelona Innovation Hub and is currently studying a Masters of Psychotherapy and Counselling from the Australian College of Applied Psychology. Ezio wears many hats:At Telstra, he works in people capability, where he has been working on a global sales change program for over 1,500 people for the past 3 years. Owner of a business - ‘Performing Teams’, he works with sporting teams to leverage the science of high performance to improve results. This includes working with an A-League club, as well as other organisations, including law firms. As a trainer for athletes, he provides one-on-one training in facilitating the sustenance of their emotional and psychological strength.As a training facilitator, his expertise ranges from leadership, high performance, and sales programs, both in Australia and overseas.As a husband and a father of five children, his passion and interest in psychology is extended through his children, where he observes real-life case-study in his home. Through observing the different personalities of his children, he discovers more in-depth impact of ‘nature’ versus ‘nurture’. Observing that although his children shared many similarities (genes, socio-economic background, schools, etc), they grow up differently, shaped by ongoing learning, fascination, and at times, frustrations.Just as he is curious about what the corporate world can learn from athletes, Ezio is also intrigued by what families can learn from the corporate world. The answer is ‘lots’. In realising this, Ezio also facilitates programs in the area of ‘Family Development’.Above all, Ezio is fascinated by ‘why’ we do what we do that leads us to make the decisions that we make in life.
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