Learn to map your life with the 3 strategies by professional coach, Robin Miles –
Upgrade your avatar Life considerations Lead with purpose
In this webinar you will learn to:
Set a vision for yourself in 2021 Create the version of yourself that you aspire to be Optimise your productivity Declare the number 1 priority in your life Get Strategic about creating the life you want to lead Break-Through your greatest barriers to success Ignite your peak performance on a daily basis
They say that ‘if you’re not afraid, you’re not dreaming big enough’. The power of Inner Leadership and the potential of Team Unity are big words, but it is possible to define opportunities and attain shared goals when you learn to apply them. This event is not just about spreading good vibes, but it empowers people with insight, understanding, a grounded plan and coherent actions individually and collectively. With the right efforts and conscious responsibility, you could push limits to achieve excellence with actionable steps. Diversity is respected, harnessed and leveraged.
About Robin Miles:
Robin brings over 15 years of experience as a Visionary Leader for executives, teams and companies, excelling in collaboration and relationship development. As a Consultant, Executive and Board Member, his insights and solutions express a diverse background working in private, government, not-for-profit and military sectors. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer, a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and an advocate for the Program on Negotiation at Harvard. Robin has lectured at Deakin University School of Law and provides high-level performance programs, trainings and consulting services to global clients.
Robin finds it inspiring to see people empowered by using the principles he has discovered, tested and integrated into his own life and career. As a High Performance Coach and Strategist, Robin is privileged to work with individuals from all walks of life, large and small companies, start-ups and corporate giants. The common thread is a passion and drive to excel beyond the norm, a commitment to making positive change and a willingness to work with others to achieve personal & professional goals.
His expertise:
✔ High Performance Coaching for individuals & teams✔ Collaboration Facilitation for projects & teams✔ Leadership Training for all levels of management & service✔ Negotiation & Strategy Consulting for sustainable company growth
Read more about Robin Miles here: https://inspiremeconsulting.com.au/

The Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals find fulfilment in the modern workplace. We believe that everyone, not the elite few, should have access to the knowledge, mindset and network to develop themselves.We believe that by becoming the best version of ourselves, we lead a happier, more fulfilling life and inspire those around us to do the same.We do this by running events that aims to inform, connect and inspire, and share what we learnt with our community.
Please check out our upcoming events:http://www.professionaldevelopmentforum.org/events