At some point in our lives, we’ve heard the phrase “I don’t think you can do this”. It's come from either a colleague, a family member or a close friend. That phrase starts to stick and becomes part of our self-talk. What we don’t stop to understand is how much of a disservice we do ourselves because of that phrase!
The journey to self-actualisation starts with telling yourself how brilliant you can be and it starts when you are ready to step back, reset your thinking and challenge the status quos surrounding you.
In this session, Alexandra will look to empower you to break old habits, negative thinking and bad programming from your past, showing you how to let go of old thinking patterns that are holding you back and keeping you small, and start building new ones that propel you forward in the direction of your goals and your incredible transformation, so that you can be uniquely YOU.
Marianne Williamson has quoted - “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us……”.
Alexandra Egan - Certified Meta Practitioner | Trained Professional Coach | Behavioural Profiler
Alexandra Egan is the Founder and CEO of Domino Effect Consulting. She developed RESET Your Thinking Program to help break old habits, negative thinking and bad programming from your past, showing you how to let go of old thinking patterns that are holding you back, keeping you small, building new ones that propel you forward in the direction of your goals and your incredible transformation, so that you can be uniquely YOU.
A natural-born innovative, inspirational, powerful leader, Alexandra is an expert at dealing with all personalities and environments. She is recognised for her ability to manage, nurture and support individuals to better understand themselves and others on a much deeper level, by developing the right skills they need to master every area of their life. From conquering fears and bad habits to being happy, confident, and successful in their personal and professional life. Alexandra has built a solid reputation as a straight shooter who gets results and the job done.
An Internationally recognised Facilitator, Coach, Mentor & Speaker, who has completed over 5,500 hours in fieldwork. She has co-authored a Bestselling Leadership book” Change Makers” and created multiple programs.
Alexandra is a highly accomplished Mentor, Facilitator, Researcher, devoted mother of 2, and grandmother of 4. She specializes in Meta-Cognition and Mindfulness in Organisational, Leadership and Personal Development.
The Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals find fulfilment in the modern workplace. We believe that everyone, not the elite few, should have access to the knowledge, mindset and network to develop themselves.We believe that by becoming the best version of ourselves, we lead a happier, more fulfilling life and inspire those around us to do the same.We do this by running events that aims to inform, connect and inspire, and share what we learnt with our community.
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