Career success isn’t about only moving up. Career opportunities are everywhere when you know how to look and listen beyond your manager's role.Learn about the neuroscience of listening and how most of what you know about listening is wrong.If you would like to learn more about what gets in the way of your listening, you can take the 7-minute quiz via and receive a personalised 5-page plan with 3 practical and pragmatic tips you can apply in your next conversation.If you would like to practice your listening before we meet, listen to the Apple Award-Winning Podcast
About Oscar Trimboli: Oscar Trimboli is on a quest to create 100 million Deep Listeners in the world. He is an author, host of the Apple Award-winning podcast—Deep Listening and a sought-after keynote speaker. He is passionate about using the gift of listening to bring positive change in homes, workplaces and the world.Through his work with chairs, boards of directors and executive teams in local, regional and global organisations, Oscar has experienced first hand the transformational impact leaders and organisations can have when they listen beyond the words. He consults to organisations including American Express, AstraZeneca, Cisco, Google, HSBC, Qantas, TripAdvisor helping executives and their teams listen to what’s unsaid by the customers and employees.Oscar lives in Sydney with his wife Jennie, where he helps first-time runners and ocean swimmers conquer their fears and contributes to the cure for cancer as part of Can Too, a cancer research charity.
The Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals find fulfilment in the modern workplace. We believe that everyone, not the elite few, should have access to the knowledge, mindset and network to develop themselves.We believe that by becoming the best version of ourselves, we lead a happier, more fulfilling life and inspire those around us to do the same.We do this by running events that aims to inform, connect and inspire, and share what we learnt with our community.
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