- What jobs might you be applying for 20 years from now?- What will give you the edge in a fiercely competitive market for talented people?- How can you be relevant and fit in where the robots don’t?- How can mentorship help you make good choices and how to find the right mentor?
Social Media Managers didn’t exist 10 years ago. Robots will replace couriers and book-keepers in less than 10 years. We are in the fastest transition of how we work in human history because of:
- Digitisation- Compliance- Competition- Changing expectations of employees and the community
Agility is the ability to move easily and quickly. People with high AQ (agility quotient) will be more successful in navigating through the opportunities and challenges of seismic disruption. Fear of the future looms large. New personal qualities, skills and support structures (internal flexibility, intestinal fortitude and the adaptability to change and cope) will be essential.Bruce will share his personal stories about a 30-year portfolio career and the candid advice he’d share with his 25-year-old self over a coffee (or two).You will leave this session with practical inspirations on career choices, mentorship and mindsets that will give you the edge to “punch above your weight” and find fulfilling ways to spend the rest of your (working) life. YOLO.
About Bruce MullanFor the past eight years, Bruce has provided consulting services to dozens of commercial, public, aged care, disability and community organisations. He has guided business transformations by radically changing business practices, implementing new technology and introducing new ways of thinking.
Previously, he provided global consulting services for the insurance sector for 13 years in 17 countries, including working with the PWC Management Consulting division out of their New York office. In this time, he led he several long term Finance & Digital transformation projects for multi-national companies to streamline, simplify, automate and optimise operations.
Bruce is a strategy coach and agility consultant applying the latest technology to help organisations navigate the growing complexity of our external world and execute strategy at speed.In his spare time, he facilitates the SMRC Leaders Lab program teaching essential leadership skills within diverse communities and is a certified volunteer mentor with the Mentoring Men charity. By the way, the biggest killer of men aged 15-44 is suicide. For every life saved, 200 people avoid lifelong sorrow. So Bruce along with his daughter Phoebe run Dad-Daughter Charity Events to raise awareness and funds to prevent male suicide.
The Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals find fulfilment in the modern workplace. We believe that everyone, not the elite few, should have access to the knowledge, mindset and network to develop themselves.We believe that by becoming the best version of ourselves, we lead a happier, more fulfilling life and inspire those around us to do the same.We do this by running events that aims to inform, connect and inspire, and share what we learnt with our community.
Please check out our upcoming events:http://www.professionaldevelopmentforum.org/events