Our guest on this episode of the "Student-To-Student Leadership Series" is Kristen Day. Kristen is a writer, video producer, performer, and encourager from Indianapolis, IN. She's a senior studying Marketing, Communication, and Acting at Purdue University. 

Aside from her studies, Kristen is President of Purdue's only long-form improv comedy troupe, Ad Liberation, and will be joining Kohl's as a Marketing Strategy Coordinator after graduating in May 2021. She also writes for her blog at thekristenday.com. 

Kristen has had a plethora of Student Leadership experiences and we get the pleasure of hearing her thoughts on:

Why is Kristen so passionate about Marketing, Communication, and Acting?Why did she pursue a Leadership Role in Ad Liberation (Purdue's only long-form improv comedy troupe)?How would you describe Leadership Roles on college campus?Her advice for Freshmen navigating the Fall 2020 semester.Her advice and words of encouragement for PoC and women on college campuses.Advice on Quitting.“If it’s not the ‘yes’ for you, then it’s not going to make you great.”Being unsure about what you want to do for a living.

If you found this podcast helpful, we'd appreciate if you could take the time to leave us a review. 

If you'd like to follow up with Kristen or continue the conversation, you can connect with her in the following ways:  

Website: thekristenday.com