What does it mean to lead with vision, and why is it important for not only you but those around you as well? That's what you'll discover in this episode as we dive into using your purpose statement to guide you toward your vision. I discuss how you can use your vision to help you stay on the right path toward your goals and why you should use both nearsightedness and farsightedness to guide you along the way. Not only that, but I'll also share tips for inviting others to be a part of your vision, and why doing so can make your future and the success you want more attainable.

What's In This Episode:

The importance of having a greater, more impactful vision of the future in mind (and how it can help you stay on track toward your goals) Incorporating the elements of farsightedness and nearsightedness into your life in a harmonious way, and how switching between different perspectives as a leader is important  How to communicate your vision to others and invite them to be a part of the journey How to share ideas with your team to make your vision for your business or career more attainable