Happy new year, Doc Squad!

Yes, if you build it, they will come!

"Dr. Kimmy, what is this ‘it’ that I'm supposed to be building?"

Glad you asked...

When I launched my very first program, I got many things wrong.

I remember I would wake up every single day at 4:00 AM and I would spend all of this time trying to get my website together.

I spent hours and hours on different fonts and on different font sizes and colors.

At the same time, I was also busy putting all the work in on building my email list and my social media.

I remember when I hit 1000 followers and I thought,  this is it! I'm going to be rich.

A pretty website, over 100 subscribers on my email list, a thousand followers on social media...who wouldn't want to work with me?

I had built it, they would definitely be coming...it was a no-brainer.

But that was clearly and sadly not the case.

Nothing changed at all.

But I will tell you what I had, what eventually made me launch my very first high-ticket program at $5K and help my client start a new business when I had never done that before.

I had BELIEF. 

If you are starting the new year with an intent to build up your business.....

Then this episode is for you!

In this episode, I discuss:

How to attract your tribe.The mistakes to avoid as a brand new coach.Why your website, social media following, and email list are not the ‘it’ that you need to build.

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Want to develop and confidently sell your first high-ticket program? Apply to join Purposed to Profit™ today by clicking HERE.