What up, Squad!

Would you like to actually have options and leave your full-time job?

Or at least be able to have the flexibility to decide how much you want to work?

This is the FIRST thing you must do:

You must decide to become a High-Ticket Doc™.

Especially in the beginning stages, as a brand new coach... YOU. HAVE. TO.

I did the math.

When I was charging $1,000 for an 8-week course, and my goal was to reach $100,000, how many clients would I need to achieve my goal?

With a small audience, as I had, and still do, how was that achievable without spending on Ads?

Not only that, the price was not aligned with the transformational promise.

Sis, it's hard to have high impact if you're not having high income.

Want to know how you can create options for yourself and make medicine your mistress?

Then this episode is for you!

It is an excerpt of one of my amazing Masterclass sessions with the awesome ladies in my absolutely free private Facebook group, The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors.

To listen to the full Masterclass and learn about The 3 Pillars Of Becoming A High Ticket Doc™, click here to join my private Facebook group.

See you inside!

Join my FREE private Facebook Group The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors by clicking HERE.

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list).