What up, Squad!

I am excited and super nervous at the same time about this episode.

I realized that this will be a challenging episode because I'm confronting some uncomfortable things. I'm in a really, really uncomfortable place in my business and Productive on Purpose™ podcast.

During my quarterly reviews, I give you guys an update on my business and what's going on behind the scenes because I believe that you can't be what you can't see.

I'm sharing with you guys the real truth of a wife, mom, boss, Christian entrepreneur, who's had a lot of false starts, a lot of failures, but is currently actually thriving - which is bananas!

Last year, I was doing my thing and super comfortable, but I realized that to get to the next level, I was going to have to shift.

From the survey I did last year, I realized that a majority of my community wanted to start businesses.

Shortly after that, I received a DM from a member of the Squad sometime in late December, early January. She asked me if I could recommend a business coach. 

This took me aback because my very first offer, Procrastination to Purpose™, was in fact a business coaching program!

This was a huge wake-up call for me that my messaging was not aligned with the service that I was offering.

Secondly, from the survey, there were people in my community who love what I did BUT didn't know that I was actually selling anything! This made me really pause and reflect.

It was a very humbling moment for me. And I'm grateful for that moment because it catalyzed a ton of shifts for me and my business.

Mentioned in this episode:

Episode 068: BONUS EPISODE - What's Up with POP?
Episode 006: The Power of Comparison
Professional Troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

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