Molly Pittman & I Discuss Messenger Marketing, Facebook's Future And Lots More
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How To Use FB Messenger Marketing To Grow Your Business Profitably — Key Insights And Action Steps

Get clear on the marketing implications of the key difference between Facebook and Google (user intent)

There are some key differences between Facebook and google when it comes to your marketing strategy. And it really comes down to user intent:

When someone uses Google, they typically go there to find a solution. This means your ads for your products and/or services are more likely to convert buyers into paying customers.
 When a user logs in to Facebook, she or he is there to be entertained. So by definition, any advertisement is “interruption-based”. The customer is there to experience some sort of entertainment rather than buy a product or service.
That said, Facebook has better targeting options which offset the challenges around interruption-based advertising
Facebook and google have their own advantages the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual parts
Action step: Listen to this podcast episode where we talk about holistic advertising

2. Adopt a holistic approach to marketing - combine Facebook and google ads (and any other platforms you choose to advertise on)

Having understood how the platforms work, you now need to understand that it's important to use MORE than one platform. The combined effect of multiple platforms is powerful. In a market saturated with messages and information, it helps to be present on multiple-platforms
Definitely consider using Instagram. Molly spends more time on her Instagram feed than she does on Facebook.
There’s one thing you should be aware of though, and that is this. The best advertising campaigns in the world won’t make up for a poor offer that doesn’t deliver on its promise. In fact, advertising a poor offer is only going to accelerate damage to your brand. Always ensure that you have an excellent offer that delivers on its promise. You can do this by taking the time to understand your audience and the problem you’re helping them to solve.
Action step: Speak to your advertising specialist about creating a holistic approach to advertising that works across multiple platforms. Use different modalities (video, audio and written) with your advertising where possible

3. Molly and I discussed the fact that ‘the conversation’ on Facebook appears to be moving off of the feed and onto Messenger.

Molly and I talked about some very clear actionable steps you can take to get started with messenger marketing. You can start by going to and learn about howManychat works.
 Action step: Go to and sign up to learn about messenger marketing and how to use it in your business