Today I'm talking with Nevica Vazquez all about starting your own mstermind and how her mastermind helped her take her business to the next level. She gives a lot of great tips and really practical information that you can use when you want to start your own mastermind instead of waiting to be invited to someone else's.

You will learn exactly how to start a mastermind that will fit your business and the vision you have and help you put together a group of people who will help you uplevel your business, support you, and give you honest feedback.

We also talk about the best method for hosting a mastermind and how you can keep it on track instead of worrying that everything is going to fall apart because there is no focus.

Nevica Vazquez is a Business Strategist to digital bosses who want to scale their online biz. The bosses she works with are past the beginner stage of their business and ready to assess and strategize their plan for new growth. Together, her and her clients create the online biz + marketing plan they need to get to the next level of their business. In addition to serving her clients, every week Nevica hosts the Digital Boss Roundtable a roundtable webinar show where experienced biz owners meet to have productive conversations on up-leveling their digital businesses. Check out new and past roundtable episodes here.

Topics Discussed:
How Nevica got started in business
How your dream client evolves over time
What a mastermind is
How being a part of a mastermind can benefit your business
How to find mastermind members who are a good fit
How to structure your mastermind
How to keep your mastermind on track
Why you need to have rules going in and how to enforce them
Why you don't have to be the leader of your mastermind

Resources Discussed:
Tara Gentile's Quiet Power Strategy []
Heather Crabtree The Savvy Community []
Ashlyn Carter []
Find & Start Your Mastermind Group []

Connect with Nevica:
Website []
Instagram []
The Digital Boss Roundtable []