Today is the second episode all about website design and I am going to be talking about how you can evaluate if your website is working for you. If you haven’t listened to the first episode, I recommend you listen to episode 13.

This episode is useful whether you’re DIYing your website, getting by until you can hire a designer, or if you’re working with a designer now so that you know what to look for and ask for in a strategic website design project. Because that’s what I’m all about – using strategy in your website design so that it doesn’t’ just look good, but it also functions well and helps you grow your business.

I’m going to cover a couple of techniques for evaluating if your website is working for you and I’ve also got a checklist you can download at

Topics Discussed:

The importance of having a strategy behind your website design Why you need to test and change your design Creating simple, easy to use navigation and what you should include Why using website standards can help your design Why your content is important to your website visitor’s experience Things to check to make sure your content is working for you The importance of having a call-to-action on each page Creating a contact form that makes it easy for people to use How the design of your website can support your main purpose Why knowing your audience is important for your website The tools I use with clients to test my website designs The importance of testing and changing your design My #1 recommendation for creating a strategic website How strategic design serves your clients and customers

Resources Discussed:

Strategic Website Design Checklist Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug Google Keyword Planner Squarespace SEO Tricks You Should be Using Google Analytics Page Analytics (by Google) Chrome Extension CrazyEgg Heatmapping 5 Website Updates to Get Legit Guide