The time-saving practice of batching. Rather than multitasking, the goal of today’s practitioners is to stay in their zone of genius and do the things that only they can do. Batching is how this happens.

So what is batching? When you batch tasks, you complete one type of task all at one time. For instance, I batch my inbox. Rather than allowing my staff to stop me at all moments of the day to sign paperwork, I batch this task. All paperwork is signed on one day of the week barring any true emergencies.

If you’re ready to take back your time and sharpen your focus, listen to this episode! Learn how batching has helped me and my colleagues and how it can help you.


In This Episode:

[00:53] - Welcome to Private Practice Matters!

[01:23] - Let’s talk about batching your work to take back your time.

[01:59] - Dr. B tells a story about how we are affected by interruptions.

[03:27] - Batching is a game changer for private practice physicians who are used to multitasking

[05:13] - Instead of doing things as they come up, create a specific time for things to be done.

[06:16] - If my staff puts something in my inbox to sign, it gets signed on Thursday mornings.

[07:32] - Go to the Facebook group and share what you are going to start batching this week!

[08:31] - Batching gives you back focus, one of my 6 Pillars.

[09:01] - Join us in the Facebook group and let’s take your practice to the next level.


Links and Resources:

Private Practice Accelerator Facebook Group

Private Practice Matters - Dr. Phil Boucher