Here to share her adventure in the Allied Health business owner world is Jess Nyman, Occupational Therapist and Founding Director of Only About Kids. She discusses her experience creating and growing her business through the challenges of the pandemic, parts of the business she loves and doesn’t enjoy, and her steepest learning curve as a Director.

You’ll also hear Jess chat about psychological safety, imposter moments, team and culture, transparency, building a support network, and what it’s like getting the business leave-ready, including how she’s building autonomy in her team.

Topics covered on team culture, imposter syndrome, and establishing a support network:

Trusted delegation, transparency, how she establishes boundaries, and actively seeking feedback.
Psychological safety, questioning her decisions, and overcoming doubts through self-reflection.
Making people feel heard and comfortable and how she’s instilling independence in her team.

Related Episodes 

Episode 53: [Jenny Pither: The Value of Having a Virtual Assistant for Your Allied Health

Connect with Jess

Visit Jess’ Website 
Follow Jess on Instagram (@onlyaboutkidsot) 
Connect with Jess on Facebook 
Connect with Jess on LinkedIn 

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More about The Private Practice Made Perfect Show: 

The Private Practice Made Perfect podcast is a much loved conversation for those wanting to hear real life Australian Allied Health business stories, adventures and the occasional confession. 

The outstanding guest list includes business owners and wonderful small business supporters such as accountants, marketers, bookkeepers, IT wizards, virtual assistants, lawyers and more. 

As you know, it takes a village to run a business. Cathy gathers the tribe, captures the collective wisdom and conveniently delivers it to your earbuds. 

All episodes are chatty, honest and practical… warning… we often stray from the topic, talk of wine and laugh loudly.

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