In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, you’re going to learn how you can intentionally create a team culture in your private practice that hs clinicians begging to work with you.


One thing I’ve learned from watching my wife build and grow her own group practice is that, well, it’s hard!


It can be a struggle to find great therapists to join your team and then provide enough benefits to ensure they stay.


Not only that, it can be hard to find others who share your vision and values for this practice that you’re building.


So what can you do to begin building a team culture at your private practice?


How do you nail down your hiring process from start to finish so that at the end of it, you know you’re hiring someone who cares about your vision and the impact you want to create through your private practice?


Today we’re speaking with Dawn Gabriel.


Dawn is the founder and CEO of Authentic Connections Counseling Center, a group practice consultant, and host of Soul Care for Therapists podcast. She is passionate about helping people achieve freedom from what is keeping them stuck and invites others to take a non-judgmental look deeper into their spirituality and faith.


Whether you’re just starting to build your private practice team or you’ve got a team already, you’re going to get some great advice from an experienced group practice owner on creating deep connections with your team so that you can build a team you love that cares about your vision.


In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

How to hire therapists that share your values and your vision, not just to fill a chair

Ideas and examples for creating a mission statement that can guide you through the interview process

The importance of screening candidates before even thinking about inviting them in for an interview

Creative perks you could offer your therapists and how to incorporate them into your job description and attract better candidates

Exercises and resources you can use to foster connections between team members and support one another

The Ennigram and how it can help you understand your team’s strengths and personalities better

Steps for building your leadership team so that you can focus on what you love and what you’re good at

Links mentioned in this episode:

Faith Fringes

Soul Care for Therapists

Authentic Connections Counseling Center