In this episode, we’re going to explore the relationship between your website copy, website design, and you.


What do you think is more important… the words on your website or the design of your website?


So often we agonize over the words that go on each web page; writing, editing, and revising.


Then we take that content and try to work it into our website in a way we think “looks good”. 


But what is your website design actually saying?


Like non-verbal communication during a therapy session, design can often communicate many things beyond what the copy on the page is saying.


So how we can marry these two things together - copy and design - so that we’re captivating our ideal clients and leading them toward finding a solution to their pain?


And how can we approach our marketing authentically so that it resonates with both your clients and the brand you want to create for your private practice?


Today’s guest, Jenn Fredette, is helping us dive deep into these questions and the relationship between copy and design.


Jenn is a relational, psychodynamic oriented, attachment-based loving, Jungian concept adoring, and existential thinking psychotherapist based in the DC Metro area. In addition to her clinical work, Jenn partners with psychotherapists who want to market with depth, not just offer quick solutions to get people in the door. 


In this conversation, you may not know who’s interviewing who, because we ask so many questions as we explore this topic in detail. 


So get ready to think deeply about your marketing, your copywriting, your website design… and what it all means to you.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: Why it’s so important to enter into your ideal client’s story so that you can empathize with them and create truly captivating and compelling content How to use storytelling to really paint a picture of how you want potential clients to feel when they visit your website How copy and design work together to communicate your message and evoke feeling How we can often carry our past experiences and pain into our marketing which hinders our authentic message Start Your Website Project with a Free 15-Minute Clarity Call

We’re extremely passionate about helping therapists and group practices launch websites with both the words and design that resonate with their ideal clients. If you’re ready to elevate your online presence and get more visibility for your business, we’d love to chat. We offer a free 15-minute Clarity Call to understand your goals and work out whether you’re a good fit for our services. Schedule your Clarity Call by clicking here.

Links mentioned in this episode: A Thinker’s Guide Website Take The Quiz - What’s Your Marketing Attachment Style?


About Jenn Fredette 


Jenn is a relational, psychodynamic oriented, attachment-based loving, Jungian concept adoring, and existential thinking psychotherapist based in the DC Metro area. In addition to her clinical work, Jenn partners with psychotherapists who want to market with depth, not just offer quick solutions to get people in the door. 


Jenn is passionate about dismantling the obstacles that get in the way of people exploring their own psyches, of which a core one is that depth-psychotherapists struggle to market themselves in congruent, compelling ways. 

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