In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation Podcast, you’re going to hear a first-hand account of what it’s like to do online marketing for a business over the span of 8 years.


The ups and downs. The good, the bad, and the ugly!


When it comes to marketing your private practice or new business online, it can often be so overwhelming to know where to start and what to focus on.


You could put a bunch of time and energy into one thing and still wonder where your ideal client is and why are they not showing up.


But over time, as you flex your marketing muscles and begin to see what’s working and what isn’t, your focus gets more refined and growth begins to occur.


I think one of the most helpful ways to learn about marketing a business online is to hear from people who have gone before you.


When you listen to someone explain their stories of what worked, what didn’t, and the mistakes and successes they had, you can take those lessons and apply them to your own private practice.


That’s exactly what we’re doing with my conversation with Maelisa McCaffrey from QA Prep.


She’s been marketing her business, QA Prep, online since 2014, so you’ll be sure she’s got a lot of marketing stories to tell.


Give a listen as she lays it all out there and shares tons of tips you can apply to your own marketing efforts.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: Online marketing tips from Maelisa, who has been running a successful business online since 2014 The ups and downs of online marketing The most important things you can do at the very beginning of launching your business online that can pay huge returns in the future Tips for building an email list and reaching your ideal clients The importance of blogging and how it can impact your business for years to come Tips for writing blog posts consistently to improve your SEO and get more traffic More about my own story with blogging and reaching my audience online Subscribe & Review in Apple Podcasts

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Links mentioned in this episode: QA Prep  Free Crash Course


About Maelisa McCaffrey

Dr. Maelisa McCaffrey is a licensed psychologist, nail design enthusiast, and multi-passionate entrepreneur. With her business QA Prep, she empowers therapists through trainings and consultation on clinical documentation. Maelisa focuses on the “why” behind the usual recommendations and encourages clinicians to think outside the box, while also keeping their ethics intact. As someone with ADHD who’s had to figure out what works through trial and error, Maelisa aims to make sure her trainings are practical, while also allowing for plenty of laughter and fun.