In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, I’m going to share my insights on how long you should expect a website design project to take.


Over the years, I’ve spoken to many private practice owners who are interested in getting started on their therapy website - they’re excited to reach their ideal clients and start getting some visibility.


But the conversation comes to a rather quick end when they tell me that they were hoping to launch their website in about a month.


Now, I believe your website is the most important part of your online marketing and can make all the difference in you actually reaching the goals you have for your business. 


If your goal is only “get the website live”, well there are plenty of freelancers out there who I’m sure could help you do that quickly.


But if you’ve got many goals that you’re looking to reach in the next 1 - 3 years, then your project may not be as simple as just getting a website up on the internet.


And when you take your goals into account, set a strategy that fuels the decisions you make surrounding your website and content… well, that takes time.


So join me as I share more about our website design process here at Private Practice Elevation so you can understand how long it takes to create a private practice website that is strategically built for your business.


I’ll take you behind the scenes of the different stages to help you understand how long a website project typically takes.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: The different phases your therapy website project will go through on the way from onboarding to launch How long each of those project phases will take and what to expect from them Go behind the scenes of Private Practice Elevation as I share how we schedule our website projects and why Subscribe & Review in Apple Podcasts

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